Part 1: Episode I: Midnight Train
Episode I: Midnight Train.jpg)
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New Music: Wind Which Blows From the Dark I

Our story begins fifteen years after the conclusion of Koudelka. Gone are the dreary wastelands of the hellscape that is Wales. Instead, lets venture to a lovely city in rustic France. Surely, the capital of the Normandy region of France is devoid of dark rituals, alchemical crimes against humanity and serial murders.
...OK. Perhaps I spoke too soon.
A travelling priest, brutally murdered before sunrise! His body lay scattered in pieces, as if savaged by a beast. His daughter, believed to be travelling with him, is missing...
Well, Im sure that wont be relevant. Lets shift gears a continent over and several months later, shall we?
South Manchuautumn, that same year.
So I might have been wrong on my assessment of dark dealings in French back alleys. But transcontinental railroads are another matter altogether. As far as I know there has never been a transcontinental rail trip that has no less than one or more murders, at least one to three people who are secretly spies or not who they claim to be, a serial killer/actual demon ready to strike, a robbery transpiring or a bomb planted somewhere aboard. There is some shit about to go down on this train if it hasnt already. Put good money down on this fact.
This old lady passing this dapper gentleman? An Assassin is off to stop Templars planting an explosive in the engine car. Too bad shell have to make it through a botched heist two cars up and a Vatican priest hunting down an immortal killer battling on the roof the car ahead of that.
Meanwhile, some bum who sneaked on board is relieved to see nobody has checked for his ticket or asked him to move his feet off the seats for the last two stops. Living life large.
Meanwhile, in the dining car/caboose we find the place locked down by soldiers of the Japanese Army. Lets see what theyre discussing inside.




Meanwhile, things have taken a turn for the gruesome with the guards outside. The first of the two was taken by surprise. Surely his partner will be able to hold the line! The honor of the mighty Japanese Imperial Army is on the li--

...How do you even get a head to twist in that direction? Thats some Havoc ragdoll physics gone awry shit right there.

Why Major, its only the most sinister, malicious force of ill-will you could ever come across...
...An old white guy.


Who went to town on the sliders when making this guy in a character creator? The head to face ratio on this mans model is JACKED. But other than his unfortunate facial features, this guy has bigger problems.
It seems the dapper gentleman either has some kind of anti-bullet shield or... No! Could this be the work of an enemy Stand!?


Pictured: The look of a man who wishes his face was twice its current size. Also, about to be brutally eviscerated by some kind of murder machine wizard.



Roger Bacon is looking fit compared to when we last saw him. Guy really cleaned up well in the past fifteen years. Whats his secret in... growing like two feet, de-aging a few hundred years, getting a completely different face, voice, skin tone, manner of speaking and gaining a Stand... Hmm.
The girl decides now that shes cornered and feet away from the Stand user Roger Bacon shes going to make a break for it. She is quickly deterred. Incidentally, its amazing she managed to not get a single drop of blood on her pristine outfit when it has coated literally every surface around her. That takes some talent.

The sound of the train car opening comes from behind Roger.

Roger wastes no time siccing his little murder helper on the interloper and seemingly lopping off one of his arms. Only...
I dont think this is how things were meant to work out for this little imp dude. He doesnt seem to be enjoying himself.
I cannot believe that little murder gremlin is fucking dead. Turns out it was actually like a really aggressive, large mosquitoes and those soldiers would have been way better off just swatting the thing out of the air the whole time. Ahh well, hindsight and all that.

Thats one baddie down. Just a moment though, our new guest needs to attend to something.
Just gotta glue this back on real quick. Spoilers: At no other point in the game can this guy just reattach limbs and regenerate like that. I mean, not that he is ever in a situation that warrants it again either. Its just odd. Like if Piccolo in Dragon Ball Z just did the regrowing a limb technique exactly once ever out of nowhere and nobody spoke on it or mentioned it ever again.
Once more, the girl in distress decides that once things have calmed down and there are zero distractions, shell make a break for it. It goes about as well as youd expect...

Our hero has slightly better timing with his actions and rushed Roger Bacon as soon as hes busy abducting the girl. Unfortunately, theres one thing he didnt take into account.
Roger Bacons Special Eyes!
The monks Brand sends the man flying back through the wall of three train cars. It doesnt seems like its a very fun time to have. Good thing the train was on a straight away and not a big turn. That could have gone way worse.
And he also didnt manage to go flying back far enough to crash into any knife fights, sorcery duels, political kidnappings or a clutch bomb defusing happening just a few cars back at this very time on the railroad.

Tune in next time as Shadow Hearts begins in earnest and we get to work punching the shit out of that dapper wizard. Theres no way hed use the Special Eyes move twice, right? Absurd.

Video: Shadow Hearts Intro (Hey go watch this!)